Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then Proves He Was Reincarnated

Reincarnation is when people are reborn in another body after death. Different religions and cultures around the world believe in this idea, but many believe that it is simply a conspiracy theory. In the United States, thousands of young children have memories of a past life. They also show specific behaviours and evidence that experts use to confirm these claims. Ryan Hammond is a perfect example of a child who proves he has been reincarnated. If you don’t believe it, just wait until you see how this gruesome story unfolds…


Meet Ryan, a young 16-year-old boy who lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He was born into a Baptist family, his dad is a police officer while his mom is a county clerk deputy. Ryan grew up in a loving home, surrounded By his family and friends. When he was about 4 years old, he started having vivid dreams and nightmares, he woke up multiple times during the night, being scared and hysterically crying, claiming that his heart is about to explode…

Supernatural Things

Eventually, it got to a point where Ryan’s mother Cyndi was very concerned. Shortly after this, Ryan began speaking to supernatural creatures that no four years should even know of. First, Ryan’s parents thought it was kind of a paranormal situation that was going on, but when things got worse, they suspected that there may even be some kind of demon inside of him.  One of the things that concerned them was the fact that Ryan spoke about Hollywood, a place he had never been to, or basically had no knowledge of before these events.

Creative Imagination

Usually when young children are about 4 or 5 years old, their imagination starts to expand truly. Playing make-believe is totally natural for children, no matter how crazy the stories may sound. However, Cyndi felt that the things her son was saying were just too farfetched. He was only 4 years old. She often walked into his room and found him recreating situations that seemed to be from a horror story. Then one day Ryan began telling stories which completely shocked his parents…

Directing Motion Pictures

Ryan told his mother that he wanted to “go home, I hate being a child.” He was convinced that he was someone else. Even though Cyndi tried to talk about something else with him, Ryan started to reveal more scary details. Cyndi slowly started to believe him, and knew this was serious. She said: “His stories were so detailed that it just couldn’t be something which a little child just made up. He began describing intricate details about being on a Hollywood movie set in the 1940s – therefore he was directing scenes in his room. These were motion pictures”.

Detailed Memories

After this, Ryan began speaking about numerous memories he had, even used the names of famous actors from the 1940s. He claimed that he knew these people personally. Was he actually reincarnated? Being a Baptist, Cyndi did not believe in reincarnation, so she kept Ryan’s story a secret for a while. But then, when things began to get out of her hand, Cyndi wanted to get to finally solve the situation and help her son out of this nightmare.

Coke Floats

She headed straight to the local library to get some books about Hollywood, and showed some images to Ryan. This was when everything changed… Another chilling sentence that Ryan told was that he loved drinking coke floats. Then, in one of the books Cyndi brought home, Ryan found a picture with two men facing each other. They were also surrounded By other men too. Ryan pointed out the one in the middle of the image…

Hey, That’s Me!

Cyndi instantly became more anxious and totally confused, of course. Ryan pointed out the men and said, “Hey Mama, that’s George. We made a movie together.” He talked about a man on the right of the image, wearing an overcoat and a scowl. “That guy is me. I found myself!” Ryan’s mother was speechless, and on top of that, she had literally no idea who these men were.

Just A Phase

Cyndi felt completely helpless and lost. What exactly was going on with her child? Perhaps there was something going on at his new kindergarten? As the days have passed, he continued to tell the most outrageous stories. He told his mom about holidays which took place oversee, and the big white house he owned in Hollywood which had a beautiful swimming pool inside. Ryan also described the street where he lived …

Professional Help

Ryan said that his house was in a street that had the word “rock” in it. He added that he had been married five times and was the father of three boys. It got to a point that Cyndi decided to seek professional help for her son. This was the point she got into contact with Dr. Tim Tucker, a well-known child psychiatrist. He had huge experience with children in the age group of 2 and 6, who claim to remember their past lives. He said the following…