Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then Proves He Was Reincarnated

The Science Of Reincarnation

A psychiatrist named Dr. Jim Tucker, a professor at the University of Virginia teaches neurobehavioral sciences and psychiatry. One of his main focuses is children who are considered ‘different’. Mostly these children are a bit older. This is important because at this stage children are already able to understand and process information that younger children can’t. These children say they have the ability to remember their past lives.

The Book

In 2013, Dr. Tucker published a book titled: Return to Life. In this book he describes his belief, that young child can call back memories from their lives before this. Dr. Tucker analyzed over 2,500 children, during his research. He even searched for signs of reincarnation. So, what exactly did he find?

The Case At Hand

Dr. Tucker was able to investigate a large group of children, and the results proved to be not only fascinating but truly amazing even. Also he stated that these thrilling memories faded away as the children got older. One boy in particular was really outstanding for Dr. Tucker. This young boy called Ryan Hammons could call back all of his “past memories” in near-perfect details.

The Biggest Stars

Ryan could not stop telling stories of his “adventures” with some of the biggest icons in Hollywood, during the 1940s. He told things such as “I was famous back then, now I’m just a little child,” or “I enjoyed it better when I was famous and I could go wherever I wished.” His mom, Cyndi, eventually concluded that Ryan was not making up any of these stories. She said, “His stories were so believable… a child can’t just make up all of these”.

Lavish Parties

When Ryan was only 5 years old, he was watching TV with his mother, and the famous Hollywood sign appeared on the screen. Straight away, Ryan started crying and begged his mother to take her back. She was obviously confused. After this, Ryan started telling stories about huge Hollywood parties and all the guests who attended these events. He also described in detail the foods that were served at these parties.


It actually got to a point where Ryan’s memories were getting way too detailed, especially for a five-year-old child. Was it possible that he just had great imagination skills? One of the most convincing things for his mother was the fact that Ryan asked from his mother to bring him Tru-Ade, a popular drink back in the 1940s, however, it was inexistent already decades before Ryan.

Trying To Get Answers

Back when Ryan and Cyndi were looking through an old book, he noticed someone that looked so familiar to Cyndi. This was the point when she was finally able to understand everything. He was the famous Marty Martyn, a former film director and manager of motion‐picture, he was also an actor who played in movies. But the bizarre thing is, that he passed away in 1964, five decades before Ryan.

Thorough Research

Psychiatrist Dr. Tucker spoke with Ryan asking a whole bunch of questions.. Ryan answered the questions conscientiously and gave 55 detailed facts about Martyn’s life. After this intense session, Dr. Tucker did a thorough research on Marty Martyn. Dr. Tucker was determined, he even contacted the actor’s daughter to discover if the things Ryan was saying were accurate and true. After all, they discovered that Ryan told the truth about everything. He even mentioned that a heart attack was the cause of the actor’s death.

Hidden Details

But this is not where the story ended, it turned out that Ryan had precise details and information about the actor’s life, about owning a green Rolls Royce and the number and names of his children. He was wrong about one small thing, Ryan claimed that he had two sisters. The actor’s daughter said that Ryan was wrong. After more research, it actually turned out that Ryan knew it correctly, Martyn’s second sister was unknown and a secret until that day. Wow!

Revealing The Truth

Things really seemed odd, Ryan also said that the actor passed away at the age of 61. But according to Dr. Tucker, his death certificate clearly stated that Martyn was 59 years old. Nevertheless, through all the research that Tucker had performed, he later found out that his birth certificate was indeed incorrect. Ryan was right about this, too. Was there more?

Major Criticism

Unfortunately, Dr. Tucker faced a lot of harsh criticism for using Ryan and many other children for his research. However, he is convinced that he is simply using science to an allegedly supernatural thing that so many cultures around the world believe in. His opinion on Ryan and this story is the following: “It seemed odd that there existed someone who owned boats to travel and a house with pool inside. But Marty Martyn was a person who actually did all of these.”

A Crazy Occurrence

Even to this day, Dr. Tucker is not exactly sure about why such a weird and unusual phenomenon may occur. These events all seem to be proof of reincarnation, but still, even with the help of modern technology, it can’t be stated that this is a real proof. There are many people who have unanswered questions…

Fact Or Fiction?

Ryan is now 16 years old and can’t recall as many memories as he did when he was younger. Of course, he still has flashbacks from his “past life” but they are not as vivid as they were back then. Dr. Tucker claims that this is in fact quite normal and, as new memories appear, the old ones simply fade away. So, is reincarnation a real thing? Do you believe in reincarnation? Maybe after this Next story, you will believe in it too…

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